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Found 2007 results for any of the keywords business strategist. Time 0.009 seconds.
Business Strategist: Little known side of Thomas JeffersonThe Third president of United States, Thomas Jefferson is known as Founding Father of America as he was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. There is little known fact about his being a great
Business Strategist: Why geography matters in business strategy?In crafting business strategy firms countries need to look at geography in a big way. There are two reasons for this. One is to maximize advantages and second is to minimise disadvantages. Here is a short review:
Business Strategist: Russia decides minister of defence be a civilianIt is indeed a surprise. Russia in the midst of an existential war decides a civilian to become minister of defence. Well only Russia has the ability to springs this kind of surprise. The new defence guy is Andrei Belous
Business Strategist: BRICS, what it stands for?There is confusion confounded when it comes to the question of what BRICS stands for. The western narrative dismisses it as some king of club or duplicate of global institutions originally founded by them. Here are my gl
Business Strategist: IMF confirms geoeconomics power shiftGross Domestic Product is a broader measure the IMF applies in evaluating performance of the Globe as a whole and individual countries. Its recent forecast for the year 2024 confirms that there is an appreciable power sh
Business Strategist: How China checkmated Abraham Accord?In the geoeconomics chess board moves and countermoves are made to minimize one party s loss and to maximize the opponent s loss so that there is no incentive for the max loser to continue in the game. Abraham Accord is
Business Strategist: Chinese USD bonds issue in Riyadh, key takeawaysBusiness strategy amid geoeconomics made a big display recently in Riyadh when China issued USD Bonds amounting to 2 Billion that was oversubscribed by 20 times. Here are key takeaways of this issue:
Business Strategist: Five threats faced by BRICSAny person or institution faces opportunities and threats at one and the same time. Here is my analysis of the five significant threats faced by BRICS in terms of business strategy and geoeconomics:
Business Strategist: Strategic focus defines ChinaWilliam Burns CIA Director was sharp when he said: China is the only country with both the intent to re-shape international order and increasingly the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to do so. He
Business Strategist: Emmanuel Todd gets Russian surpriseFrench historian Emmanuel Todd has written a new book titled Defeat of the West , where he identifies several surprises he has learned from the Russo- Ukro war which is still raging in Europe. Most prominent of these is
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